back yardI've got a big yard, about a half an acre, so lots of room to run around.  And, I've got Eddie to play with.  At least a couple of times a day I need to burn off a lot of energy , so I bite Eddie (gently) to get him to start playing.  It works.  We end up running all around the back yard.


I get to run up and down the stairs to the upper levels of the patio.  Dad built  several small levels of retaining wall to create some planters and provide a level area for the patio.  Dad thought it was great.  Mom calls it the Great Wall of Santa Paula.  Claims it's probably visible from outer space, just like the Great Wall of China.

 waterfall full

And then, there's the waterfall.  There is a natural hill here in the backyard, so Dad had two upper levels of patio built in to take advantage of the view and make all the back yard usable.  And why not add a waterfall?  The hill is already there, so it's a good fit.  I'm glad he did, cause I like to play in the waterfall.  I like to drink the water there too.  I know I have nice clean water inside the house, but this appeals to the wild side in me.

Favorite PoolAnd, of course, I have my favorite pool that I like to play in. 

July 24, 2011 I got to play more on the water today, Dad was cleaning out the waterfall.  I helped him. 

Grape arborI also found a new "toy" to play with in the back yard.  Since I'm so young, everything is new to me.  I wasn't here last year when the grape vine had grapes on it.  I thought it was just a weird looking little crooked tree that grew up over the trellis, and looked like a bunch of dead branches. 

But NOW, it's covered with big green leaves and lots of bunches of green grapes hanging down from the trellis.



Dad says he'll take a picture next week, cause the grapes are just starting to turn purple.  Anyway, a few grapes fell off the vine, and they're a new toy for me.  I play with them and bat them around with my paw, and pick them up in my mouth and carry them into the house.  I tried to chew on them, but they don't taste good.  Dad told me to wait, cause they're bitter now but will get sweet in a few weeks.  Then they'll taste good.

I also like to play in the sprinklers on a hot summer day.

Playing in sprinklers